indra & joshua - the pierre - new york - lisa-traina-wedding-officiant-nyc
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melissa & john sleepy hollow country club briarcliff manor
carly & jessie versa, new york city
brit & mike lake como, italy
victoria & billycentral park, new york
luciane & jay sardinia, italy - Lisa-Traina-Wedding-Officiant NYC New York City
diana & jack briarcliff manor, new york
jessica & nick - the mandarin oriental hotel, new york
lily & chris Lisa-Traina-Wedding-Officiant NYC New York City
candice & ben - the peninsula hotel, new york
june & rhonda - bethesda fountain, central park, new york
britany & tyler - Lisa-Traina-Wedding-Officiant NYC New York City
“no sooner met but they looked, no sooner looked but they loved,
no sooner loved but they sighed,
no sooner sighed but they asked one another the reason,
no sooner knew the reason but they sought the remedy;
and in these degrees have they made a pair of stairs to marriage.”
– william shakespeare, as you like it